A Parent’s Guide to Successful Speech Therapy

Speech Therapy Dubai: When the speech-language pathologist teach parents language strategies that parents can then use whenever they are with the child, “therapy” becomes a natural part of the family’s interactions with their child. This is known as “parent-implemented intervention”.

8 key points for parents to go through for a successful Speech Therapy Dubai

Speech Therapy Dubai

Let your child develop a relationship with his/her therapist

The treatment room should be centered on the child and in a positive environment to facilitate your child’s therapy. The therapist should be a person your child should look forward to meet and have fun with.

The communication between you and the therapist should welcome always

It is important that you get very specific guidance and your child is given numerous opportunities to practice goals across various environments.You should have the opportunity to practice with your child and the therapist in the treatment room if needed.

It is the job of speech-language pathologists to make significant and positive impacts on children’s communication skills and lives. You can help them by being your child’s advocate and communicating your questions and concerns with the therapist efficiently to ensure maximum success.

Your child’s interests can be ignited by choosing specific motivators

Motivators are extremely important for cooperation, attention and focus, reinforcement and play. You can provide a variety of inputs based on your child’s favorites.

Fast-paced therapy

Therapy should be fast-paced enough to get the maximum number of responses during the session. This provides your child with the best opportunities to practice and also learn the skill.

Skill Maintenance

Skills of your child should be mastered beforehand and they should be mixed with new goals/targets. This leads to skill maintenance, continued cooperation, and even feelings of success.

Goals should be attainable

Treatment goals should be logical, clear, sequential and also appropriate to your child’s level of functioning.

Sessions should include various forms of learning

Tabletop learning works best for teaching, and skill generalization is seen through playing and activities like it.

Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA)

Skills can be taught through imitation, structured tasks and Proven teaching procedures. Successful teaching procedures, taken from the principles of applied behavioral analysis (ABA), include error less teaching, the fading of prompts, and reinforcement.

It is the goal of speech-language pathologists to help make significant and positive impacts on children’s communication skills and their lives. You can help them by being your child’s advocate and communicating your concerns with the therapist to ensure success.


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